Friday 28 October 2011


Following the success of Wanda Keenan's group sketch show at the Camden Comedy Fringe in August 2011, and her million downloads per month Podcast 'Naive London Girl' Wanda has finally written her own hilarious ONE WOMAN show. Scripted, fast paced, unique and uplifting. This show captures Wanda's essence. Wonderful, Weird, Wild and Funny!

Paul Jackson (French and Saunders) asked for Wanda to create more characters and wanted to see her when she had!

Ken Campbell told her to master the pretty (apparently Comic women need more than a brilliant mug/gurn/Gargoyle selection of looks!). Ken said Wanda has a face for movies. That she's a modern day Lucille Ball, English Jack Black and Female Jim Carey.

Mark Thompson (BBC's Boss) is intrigued and is aiding Wanda (watch this space:0)

Sarah Millican performed the role on Radio 4 that Wanda had created and performed in Wanda's first TV pilot 16 months previously.

Wanda's Podcast 'Naive London Girl' is regularly No.1 in iTunes and pulls in over 1 million downloads per month.

Wanda is the girl next door. She loves to see people laughing. She doesn't mind if they're laughing at her or with her!